Terminal Illness & No Longer Eating
What happens when….
What happens when my loved one is on hospice, and he no longer wants to eat?
What happens is that it’s not a big deal for you or your loved one to go without food for a day or two. Is this what we want? Of course not. However, everyone’s journey is different. Some people take a few days and stop eating because they just don’t want food. Nevertheless, it is important for us to remember that eating is important but what you consume when you finally eat is what really makes all the difference.
If your loved one chooses not to eat allow them the opportunity to make their own decisions.
What we suggest you do is be encouraging. Try not to make it seem like it’s the end of the world if food is not consumed. Try to encourage the consumption of fluid and maybe sweet/salty foods. This often times works.
Finally, don’t forget that Dad can always drink his calories. Make him a smoothie and remember to add vitamins that will provide additional nutritional support.
Terminal Illness & No Longer Eating